Saturday, January 15, 2011

International Traveling Shoes Begin Their Journey

The fancy red stiletto boots have traveled the first "leg" of their international journey!

From California to Wisconsin! The red boots were Carol Anne's favorites, until she tore a ligament in her foot... from wearing them! Now they are in a box, heading from Sunny SoCal to the snowy trails of Wisconsin! Where will they end up next? What adventures will they have?


  1. As the story goes...Carol Anne was bemoaning her fate of tearing the ligament in her foot preventing her from wearing one of her favorite pairs of shoes. She posted an image of the shoes onto FaceBook, and the discussion took off! What woman can't resist talking about shoes? Several of us offered to take these darling shoes off her hands, then I presented an idea for the shoes - a spinoff to the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants with shoes! But wait! There was a were involved in this threaded conversation - and a very good conversation it was - so, the name reflected no gender bias and went global; thus, titled International Traveling Shoes!

    At this point, I can't wait to see the story and pictures that will be posted by everyone.
    Right now, I am excitedly awaiting the shoes which have been in Wisconsin with Annette and are Kentucky-bound!

    A HUGE thanks to Carol Anne who agreed to share her shoes until her March presentation at CUE, then promises to send them back out for rest of of the mystery tour with international flair.
    Thanks also for the back-end work setting up this blog for all the wonderful stories and pictures to come!

    Watch out Hollywood - here's the next storyline for a new movie!

  2. Jeanne,
    The shoes are on their way. Shipped yesterday morning from a cold Wisconsin.

  3. The shoes arrived wrapped in a wonderful bit of cloth. They were LOVELY!
    Wednesday morning I brought the shoes to school and asked our video class to assist in a bit of filming. One can barely walk let alone manage a photo in those skyscrapers. I believe anyone spending time in these shoes would have a bad foot!
    So we started filming in my Wisconsin healthy boots and then, with a bit of hand holding, managed to get the shoes on in the snow. Next, learning to walk. No way does anyone look sexy walking in those. They are made for sitting. Check out the video as proof. After the student quit laughing he took a bit more video and a couple of photos. One is current on facebook. I will post more to the blog soon.
    The shoes were the talk of our building. Thanks for the adventure.
